• Freelance
  • Part Time
  • Flanders
  • Applications have closed

Website Reveal Game Studio

interactive arts that reach beyond the familiar public of games

3D Character Animator on Plum Road Tea Dream

About the game

Plum Road Tea Dream is a semi-autobiographical walking simulator in which you explore several spaces that are conceived as sanctuaries or safe spaces.

>> An early look at Plum Road Tea Dream <<

Your responsibility

As a freelance 3D Character Animator on the team, you will be creating specific humanoid and/or creature rigs, and make animations for them. You will import the animations into Unreal Engine make sure they work as intended.


  • You have experience with Rigging, Skinning & Character animation
  • You have experience with, or willing to learn about importing and configuring character animations in Unreal Engine.
  • You can work in a team, both asynchronously from home, and on location in Flanders
  • You pride yourself on writing clean, robust and maintainable code.
  • You’re fluent in English and/or Dutch.
  • You’re based in Flanders, or in Brussels with connections to the Flemish community. (for bureaucratic reasons)

Bonus points

  • You have experience with making games in Unreal Engine.
  • You have experience with working with Git, or other version control software.
  • Plum Road Tea Dream sounds to you like a project you’d like to play.

Our team & Workflow

Plum Road Tea Dream is the creation of several independent people who collaborate on a freelance basis. Visual artist & theatermaker Samuel Baidoo has the creative lead, and works together with game developer Pepijn Willekens (REVEAL game studio), tech artist Matthias Willemen (Wired Sheep), musician & sound designer Dimitra Sofroniou and several other independent artists. All collaborators are fairly paid for their work and time.

As a collaboration between artists, designers and developers, we are continuously and organically working out the best ways of working together.

We will collaborate with a freelance contract or interim contracts on a project basis.

Current progress on the game

Plum Road Tea Dream consists of 10 spaces or chapters. Currently 2 chapters have been finished into a vertical slice, which has concluded our pre-production phase. We are currently in the process of applying for a grant to fund the next phase until release.


The collaboration would happen somewhere between august 2024 and august 2025. The collaboration would consist of short periods of full time work (2-3 weeks) on location in Flanders and periods of independent work on your own schedule.

The total work is estimated to be around 30 days.

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